Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Digital Graphic

Photo Realism
_ painting based on using camera and photograph to gather information, created a realistic painting of a photograph
_ they look realistic, is like a photo but it a panting.
_ heavy rain, Crysis and Crysis 2, Battlefield 3

This picture is from battlefield 3, the graphic is look amazingly realistic. The smoke on the picture is look very real, and the environment surround are look realistic. 

The graphic in this picture look amazing. You can see the gun , is look like  a real-life picture, texture of the gun is look very real (ex. the metal part of the gun)  

This picture it from the game called heavy  rain. The character on the picture a 3D animation, and the texture is very real   almost look like a real picture. 

Cel shading
_Cel shading is design for computer graphic look like hand-draw.
_They look like hand- draw art like comic book and cartoon.
_Games : Afro Samurai , fear effect 2, pokemon diamond

Exaggeration is making something more then is really is. In video game exaggeration is a type game that has a lot of fighting, usaaly play at one character called RPG(role-playig game). Game like FF4, Japanise games are example for exaggeration game.

 Abstraction in game is type of game that used stagergy , example of abstraction game is Patapon, Starcrarft 2 . Abtraction in game is base on a real-world theme, this sort of game called RTS (real-time stategy). The game can be play the way you wanted or the game can base on different level, it will getting harder each level.

2D Sprites
2D sprites is two dimention image or animation, the game that use 2 D sprites is street fighter, sonic the hedgehog, the purpose of 2D is to give some movement of sprites. The purpose of using 2D sprites is give a better image quality to the character. 
3D sprites: is a three dimention image, the purpose of  3D sprite is give a 3D effect on the image. The game that use are Sonic hedgehog 2, moral kombat. The purpose of using 3D sprite is give 3D effect to the games, however image in the games still in a 2D format.                                                      
Concept art:  is displaysed visualization form presented as a drawing,painting or photograp. The main gold of concept art is representation of a design,idea and/or mood for use in films, video games, comic book, or animation. The purpose of using concept art is to give an idea of characteristic, shapes, size of a character.   
Textures: Use a flat image wrapped around the model to give effect of colours and texture. The purpsoe of using text is simulate the colours and texture of the model.
In-game interface: used HUD (heads-up display) is the method that used to relayed to the player as part of a game. HUD used the existing to display severall imformation of the character( such as : health, life, score, level and items).
Printed media: is the method that used to present a product ( such as: games and films) , it usally presenting as a poster. The purpose of using printed media is to showed information of the games, used to advertise and appeal to a suitable audience.
Jpg- it the most common file type, it use compression to reduce the size, the more the compressed, the smaller the size of the file will be but the poorer quality of the picture. Jpeg are a raser and also they use lossy conpression technique. JPEG is good when it using as a picture format because is very common file type used , however it not good used to reduce size.

GIF- Graphic interchange format is good for drawings/ line art, is a bitmap image format , not good for photo image because it only alow 256 colour on the image, it idel for solid colour graphic. GIF is good when using as a drawing/ line art. 

PNG- Portable network graphic, is a lossless compression, the images keep there quality , PNG are good for photo, it a large file size and is a bitmap image format (raster graphic ). And also it don't store any additional information. PNG usually used in photo, however is very large file size. 

PSD- is a Photoshop file, is lossless compression , the image is very high quality , it store a lot of information of the image such as layer, transparency and mask and it has a large file size.And also PSD is vector format. PSD commonly used in photo because is can store a lot of information and better quality image.   

TIFF- Tagged Image File Format, it a large file size that can be compressed, the image is very high quality, TIFF cannot be enlarge without loss resolution, it can only reduce. TIFF is a Bitmap format (raster graphic) .TIFF is ideal for high resolution printing. It can be created or use in Photoshop.  
Ai - is an Adobe Illustrator file , one of the most used graphic design programs in the word, the image file are small and is vector graphic format. AI is very good for using in graphic design such as in games design.  

TARGA: is a raster graphic format, format that can store images with 8,16,24 or 32 bit of precision per pixe, image can be colour mapped , in direct colour or true-colour format. 

Pixel: is a single point in a raster image, or a smallest addressable screen element in a display device(ex. TV and monitor). Each pixel has it own address, and often representing by using dot or squares.

BMP: is short for Bitmap, is a very high quality of  picture. Bitmap dont use any compression at all so is a big file. Bitmap only used by Microsolf/Microsoft paint.
File:KBV 001 Drawing.png

Lossy/lossless: lossless let you recreated the origanal file exactly, lossless compression is based on the idea of breaking a file into a smaller form then put back together again to used again. Lossy compression is very differently, is eliminate unnecessary bit of information. This type of compression usually use for reducing file size of bitmap picture. Lossy is when you wanted to reducing file size this usually used in JPEG. Lossless is when you wanted to not changed the quality of the picture because you don't lose the image the quality. 

Image resolution: Is decribe detail an image hold. Higher resolution the better image quality. The image resolution unit is tied physical sizes (lines of mm or inch) .
occurrence of spurious resolution

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